dear friends,
We are excited to present the Platform of Hope’s 5 year strategic plan, which represents our “Phase II” vision for the organization. The Platform of Hope was born out of deep community support and collaboration, leading to the launch of our pilot program in September 2018 and the ambitious vision to serve 100 families over 5 years. As of today, we have met that initial goal, with five cohorts of families active in our program, totalling 100 families engaged (unduplicated) since 2018 and approximately 75 active in 2023 alone. We are proud to have achieved this incredible milestone, particularly when we reflect on the challenges and deep loss so many of us faced since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the five year mark approached, it became apparent that the Platform of Hope would need a new vision to guide us into our future.
With deep appreciation,
Judy Estey, Executive Director + Carlos Manjarrez, Advisory Board Co-Chair
Five Year Priorities
Across our program and organization
Establish a more defined program trajectory that enables deeper engagement with participants and expands program impact to include systems change work. Further evolve overall program model to include: establish a maximum program enrollment; clarify graduation and alumni benchmarks within a 2-3 year program trajectory; and build partnerships that facilitate the work of systems change.
Determine the legal organizational structure and related governance structure most aligned with POH’s organizational aspirations and increase financial resources to support POH's deepened program impact and systems change potential.
Further racial equity by increasing opportunities for Black and Brown families to build multiracial social capital (centering demographics that match the make-up of the neighborhood); participate in systems change efforts that address systemic racism; and include continued educational opportunities on racial justice and equity for staff, leadership and participants.
Develop clearly defined alum roles, increase pathways for participant leadership, and implement codified staff practices emphasizing transparent communications and family ownership.
Adapt organizational design to align with POH’s expanded programming; refine internal leadership and decision-making structure; evaluate the roles and responsibilities of the POH staff team to meet organizational needs; and explore pathways to staff positions from past participants.
Many thanks to the individuals, organizations and communities that participated in the strategic planning process!
The Platform of Hope has been working with consultants from Building for Mission on a "Phase II" strategic plan that will guide our organization into the next five years of our work. Check out this video to preview the five main priorities for our program and organization as we move into the future!